
Sunday, October 9, 2011

what went wrong?

i saw something today that really made me think about our culture and our priorities. it's this:

it's not that i think this is horrible. i believe that helping animals is a good thing. but now I want you to look at this picture.

this little girl lives in Uganda. she doesn't have a family. she probably doesn't have enough food to eat most days. she's waiting for someone to come adopt her, to show her what it means to be loved or to be in a family. she's never known the love of a mom or dad, or a sister or brother. she's all alone.

and yet, i sure dont' see her picture circling around facebook like the one shown above. i don't hear near enough people willing to spread her cause, willing to make a difference.

there are 143 million orphans in this world. there are 11 million children who starve to death or die from preventable diseases. there are 8.5 million who serve as child slaves, prostitutes, or are under other horrific conditions. there are 2.3 million children who live with HIV. all these add up to 164.8 million needy children. that's 164,800,000 needy children.

please don't view these as just numbers.
each and every one of these numbers has a face, and a story. they are beautiful, needy children.

164,800,000 seems like a huge number. 164.8 million. but you know what?

2.1 billion people on this earth proclaim to be Christians.
the truth is that if only 8% of Christians would care for just one more child...
there would be no statistics left. each and every one of these children would be taken care of.
so why isn't this happening?
because we're too concerned about adopting needy animals who have never "experienced the love of a family."
you know what?
they're animals.
you know what we are?
children of the Most High God. His most precious creation. created in the image of Him.
so maybe we should concentrate on saving the humans before the animals.
just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Our country is more obsessed with saving trees and endangered wildlife than they are children. Great post!

    Brianna Wheeler
