
Sunday, October 9, 2011

what went wrong?

i saw something today that really made me think about our culture and our priorities. it's this:

it's not that i think this is horrible. i believe that helping animals is a good thing. but now I want you to look at this picture.

this little girl lives in Uganda. she doesn't have a family. she probably doesn't have enough food to eat most days. she's waiting for someone to come adopt her, to show her what it means to be loved or to be in a family. she's never known the love of a mom or dad, or a sister or brother. she's all alone.

and yet, i sure dont' see her picture circling around facebook like the one shown above. i don't hear near enough people willing to spread her cause, willing to make a difference.

there are 143 million orphans in this world. there are 11 million children who starve to death or die from preventable diseases. there are 8.5 million who serve as child slaves, prostitutes, or are under other horrific conditions. there are 2.3 million children who live with HIV. all these add up to 164.8 million needy children. that's 164,800,000 needy children.

please don't view these as just numbers.
each and every one of these numbers has a face, and a story. they are beautiful, needy children.

164,800,000 seems like a huge number. 164.8 million. but you know what?

2.1 billion people on this earth proclaim to be Christians.
the truth is that if only 8% of Christians would care for just one more child...
there would be no statistics left. each and every one of these children would be taken care of.
so why isn't this happening?
because we're too concerned about adopting needy animals who have never "experienced the love of a family."
you know what?
they're animals.
you know what we are?
children of the Most High God. His most precious creation. created in the image of Him.
so maybe we should concentrate on saving the humans before the animals.
just a thought.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

this is not normal.

i hope that people don't think of me as normal. typical. just another teenage girl.

why? because i want to live anything BUT a normal life. let's examine what is generally expected of a teenage girl in America. please don't view this as judging. i'm just stating some observations of mine. tell me if i'm wrong, but a lot of people expect your teenage years to look something like sitting at home or at the pool or with your boyfriend, texting people day in and day out, and having no less than 973 Facebook friends. you'll then go on to a good college, graduate, get married, have 2.4 kids, a nice big house in a safe neighborhood, a gym membership, a pool, and a yorkie. you'll grow old, have grandkids, and die quietly and peacefully in your home, surrounded by the people you love.

now, is there anything wrong with this picture? NO!

or is there?

check out this verse in luke. "then he [Jesus] said to them all: “whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow me." -luke 9:23

deny yourself? meaning, denying all those nice things we want or think we need?

take up our cross, daily?!? what does that even mean? not staying comfortable? doing more than just going through the motions of our busy life? going out of our way to show the love of Jesus to someone?

but that sounds too hard. surely God wouldn't call us to something that would be hard.

or would He?

"that's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." -2 Corinthians 12:10

okay, so I have to admit, it took me forever to understand this. not only does the Bible say that we will have hardships, persecutions, and troubles, it also says that that is the point at which we can have the most joy?

the reason i took the time to post all of this is not to make a point. i'm sure you've heard this stuff over and over again. but lately, the Lord has given me an incredible heart to be open to everything He would have me to do right now. not ten years from now, but right at this moment. right now, that means being the best big sister, daughter, student, and light to the world that I can be right here at my house, in my city. next summer, it means going to South Africa and Zambia for two months, following Jesus and believing in His promises.

the thing is, I am so broken. I could not do any of this without the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus Christ in my life. in fact, they aren't just in my life, they are my life.

i wish so much to go out to the missions field and start showing people the love of Jesus as a career. for more than just a few weeks, a month, or a summer. for life. because if Jesus gave His life, I know that I am called to do so much more than just sit here and enjoy mine. I believe that we are all called to go GIVE the life that is present in Jesus to the people around us.

this week, I'm challenging myself to go out of my way to show the love of Jesus to one person who needs His love. because we don't have to take off to another country to change a life. Jesus wants to do it right here. in your heart, and in the heart's of those all around you.